
October 24, 2013

Oh, Sickness, Wherefore Art Thou?

Hello Lovelies,

I've officially come down with a lovely first allergy/cold/head thing of the season. It's not that fun, believe me. I've got all the sniffly, sneezey,... Wait, I didn't buy Nyquil - I got off-brand! I'm trucking through!

On account of such, it's freezing outside! Or, at least as much as it would feel when the realm of nature desides to skip fall and delve straight into winter. I haven't even gotten a pumpkin yet (does butternut count?). Is anyone else obbbbsessed with pinterest right now? I'm definitely going to be digging me some barley soup. Amirite? With them hole-ripped jeansss, boots with the furrrrr, the whole campus lookin at herrr. Amirite?

Whosy-doosel, I'd like to leave with a thought: Does striving for something that many people warn against mean you're determined to achieve or desparate to prove wrong? Hm.

Alex | Doubt1337

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