
January 23, 2014

Book Review: Fools Crow

Hello Lovelies!

Since I began reviewing novels that I read that semester, I decided to continue with that trend. If you missed my last review of A Streetcar Named Desire, you can view it here.

The novel I want to talk about today is called Fools Crow by James Welch.


Goodreads summary: 

In the Two Medicine Territory of Montana, the Lone Eaters, a small band of Blackfeet Indians, are living their immemorial life. The men hunt and mount the occasional horse-taking raid or war party against the enemy Crow. The women tan the hides, sew the beadwork, and raise the children. But the year is 1870, and the whites are moving into their land. Fools Crow, a young warrior and medicine man, has seen the future and knows that the newcomers will punish resistance with swift retribution. 

There is a load of history within this text. Welch incorporated actually people and events and just developed a fiction around them. It definitely hits close to home and makes you as a reader realize how brutal some of American history is. Not only does Fools Crow open your eyes to history, it also is an amazing eyeopener to the spiritual and religious aspects of the Indian nations of the Blackfeet. Welch details vivid and intricate visions, dreams, battles, and missions that completely engross you - you actually start to believe in what they do.

Beyond all the scholarly stuff though, it's just a really interesting take on a "coming of age" story. I wouldn't necessarily say this is a kid's book, because there are some very real things, but it's definitely not 100% adult-only either. This book can be enjoyed by all, especially if you like historical fiction or Native American anything.

Rating: 5/5 You should read this.

Alex | Doubt1337